Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shush, They're Everywhere!!!

In my garage working on the camper, arm deep in grease, sweating like an iron worker, and obviously occupied with things, my next door neighbor pops in and starts gabbing. Not just idle chit chat mind you, he came with a purpose.

Did you know that my child’s ability to live in a free country rests in my hands? Did you know that several patriots, people in the know, are just now finding it safe enough to talk about what really happened on September 11, 2001? Did you know that the current regime has been systematically and purposefully eroding our civil liberties under the guise of protection from terrorists?

He handed me a flyer, 4 color printing, front and back filled with the stuff sure to make any militia-loving freedom fighter proud. Wanted me to visit the web site and check it out. After all, it’s up to us…Bill, this web site is full of expert witness-types, mechanical engineers, who swear it couldn’t have happened like the reports say, like the “man” wants us to believe.

“Bro, unless those engineers are the jack legs that snapped the covers to these grease zerks so tight that I may have to resort to ATF banned explosives to remove, I’m a little tied up at the moment. But hey, thanks for the vitriol and paranoia. Good times. Maybe later, after I get the axles lubed and you’re done shaving your head, we could sit on the porch and discuss these serious issues while we clean our assault rifles. Before bed, I’ll look outside for black helicopters and give you a call with the count. OK, bye-bye now, be sure to take your meds. Oops, almost forget your AK and machete. By the way, your pit bull is slobbering on my shoes again. Good doggie.”

Gracious. This stuff just keeps coming back around. Freak.

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