Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello From a Cornfield Co-Writer

Guest blogger #2 here, coming to you from rural Nebraska. My initial thought when Bill asked me to fill some space while he was gone was to have my sports-fanatic-husband blog in my stead. Both Bart and I know how much Bill, and Mrs. Bill LOVE the Cornhuskers, and Bart would have done a much better job at explaining the differences between Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska sports endeavors...with a slight leaning towards the Huskerian part of the country of course. Why guest blog if you can't trash talk a little?

However, before agreeing to blog, I sort of forgot that we're leaving for a worship conference tomorrow (later today actually), and Bart chose to pack, run errands for his wife, and sleep rather than be a guest blogger.

So, I'll just share my thoughts about Bill.

He uses big words. I open dictionary.com in a new tab when reading Bill's blog. He refers to WalMart as a: "well know purveyor of fine international cuisine." People from Nebraska don't use words like "purveyor," and "cuisine." We don't know about purveying, or those who purvey. We don't know about cuisine, and cuisiners. I know about queasy though, which is what usually happens when I eat Thai items from Wal-Mart. (refer to July 23 Blah entry)

Which leads to my second point. Bill is really really funny. Hysterical even. I know. Hysterical is a big word. I used it in honor of Bill. While I had to stop and really think about what "vile" means, and what it might be like to actually "puke myself inverted," once I grasped his lofty way of saying something is disgusting, I died laughing.

The third point is this: I don't get the political entries. That's no fault of Bill's. It's more my current state of mind regarding politics that makes me almost want to go eat Thai food from Wal-Mart rather than think about what's going on with the politics in our country.

So, thank you Bill, for making me think. And for making me laugh. I hope your holiday is filled with merriment and free from strife, agitation, and you don't back your recreational vehicle into anything that doesn't deserve it.

Signing off from the side of a square,


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