Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Bard Bawling Out!

These last few days have been challenging. Little bitty things, the preverbal pebble in the shoe type stuff, which just grind on you, wearing you down little by little.

The cherry on the pooh-pooh sunday occurred last night around dinner time. Junior’s in the truck with me and we’re heading home. A couple of kids, I hope new to driving, decide not to stop at a stop sign. Never even slowed. I locked everything up and managed to miss hitting them in the rear of their now speeding car.

Embarrassingly, I have blogged before about my verbal filter breaking down and allowing some things to come out that just shouldn’t. Well, out of pure weakness and frustration, the keys to the “sentence enhancer” store house opened up again at that movement. Let’s just say crusty old sailors everywhere removed their hats and had a moment of silence in my honor right then and there. I didn’t realize my jaws could unhinge like that.

Little guy took it in stride. When I looked back to check on him, he just breathed a little sigh of relief and said, “Don’t worry dad. I won’t tell mom.” Even though I had that going for me, I still felt bad. I can’t have junior regaling his first grade class with that type of colorful repartee. There’s got to be a better way to seek the release and catharsis that a good verbal tirade provides.

Well, kids, I’ve found it. Gone are the ugly, hateful words. No more gutter mouth. I can now vent my spleen in an intelligent, literary way. Better yet, I can do it in a manner guaranteed to leave nothing for the little one to try out on his buddies during recess.


For you two gentlemen in the late model Corolla, thou roguish rude-growing skainsmates, I find you to be a couple of puking dizzy-eyed louts!

Whew! There. That’s better.

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