Friday, July 18, 2008

Fun with Faces: Politics Addition

This look says:

I can do anything I want.

I shot a guy in the face and he apologized to me!

Do you have any idea how rich I am, I mean honestly...

This look says:

Mr. President, can you tell us if the troops in Iraq will have to extend their tours of duty?

Heh-heh, he said "doody"

This look says:

Somebody get me my Metamucil and bran muffin.

Cindy, no more Tacoritos, dang-it!

No reporters until after my nap.

Czech Republic, Smeck-Republic, like I care anyway.

This look says:

For the last time, you red-neck cracker, I said my name was Obama, not Osama.

We live in the greatest nation in the world. I hope you will join me in changing it.

Obama-You want my nuts
Jackson-I think I'm entitled to them
Obama-You want my nuts
Jackson-I want your nuts
Obama-You can’t handle my nuts! See, Rev. Jackson, we live in a world of nuts. Those nuts have to be guarded. And my nuts, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, give life. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor inclination to explain my nuts to anyone. I don't give a darn what you think you're entitled to!

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