Monday, July 14, 2008

Crime Prevention-Key of G

Neighbor lady, a young woman in her early 20’s, came up our driveway yesterday toting her baby girl. She was upset, scared because some freaky looking guy in an old beater car pulled into her drive, sat there for a while, then drove around the house a few times really slowly. When he caught sight of her looking out the window at him, he turned his head real quick and sped off. Her husband wasn’t going to be back for a while. The friends she called when she got scared were still several minutes away. She asked if we could hang out a little while until her friends arrived.

Gentle readers, could be innocent thing, but still creepy. Makes my skin crawl when you stop and think about the sheer number of freaks out there intent on doing you or your property harm. So, we waited with her until her gaggle of friends pulled up. Got me thinking about personal security while we were chatting with her. What exactly would I be able to do to protect my family? No alarm system, no handgun, not exactly a 12th degree black belt, and no little something that I picked up in Nam or anything.

I’d have to use my outside voice: Stop it or else! Ahh, well stop anyway….There’s some mystery stuff in the fridge I could throw on an intruder. Maybe whack him with a throw rug. I could pick up the guitar and break off a little Gordon Lightfoot. If that don’t kill him nothing will.

“Sundown you better take care, If I find you been creepin’ round my back stair." Oh yeah, that’ll stop anything.

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