Thursday, August 28, 2008

Same Song, Different Verse, Not the Same Singer

I don’t really listen to KLOVE much. I know, hate me if you must. Honestly, I like Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp, Chris Tomlin, and Mercy Me. It’s just that hearing their music twice every 15 minutes on the KLOVE rotation wears me out after a little while.

Now, from the perspective of a so called student of songwriting, that’s probably not the best strategy. Sort of like The GAP developing a new clothing line by first sticking their head in the sand for 10 years. Maybe not the best way to get a feel for what’s selling. So, I’ll admit that I might be a bit out of touch with whose new and hot out there on the Christian Music landscape.

But…the other night I turned it on. I hear a male voice that sounds very, very familiar to me. The more I listen, the more I get excited. My goodness, that's a guy I met at Write About Jesus last year. That’s Sean Smith. He’s on the radio. Holy Cow! I proceeded to call him on his cell to congratulate him.

No. Not so much. That’s Chris Sligh, not Sean Smith. Right. Close your eyes people and listen to the two of them. Anyone could have made that mistake.

Well, maybe not anyone. I certainly would. See, gentle readers, I’m good for one of those, sometimes two, a year. Oh yes. I’m firmly entrenched in the camp that learning from previous mistakes is highly overrated. No sense in slowing down just a wee bit and engaging the brain prior to the mouth. So sir. Not for me. I invite you to experience dorkiness like that. I love it so much, I bought the company.

So, go here and pick up Sean’s CD “Real”. You’ll understand I’m not a complete idiot, although I can see from here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Bill, if it makes you feel any better, believe it or not you're not the first to make that phone call to me! I've got to be honest and tell you that I don't hear it - but it is loud and clear to others!

I wish that was my song! It was co-written with Tony Wood... SO there is at least a little bit of "6 degrees of Separation" for you!

Here's to my my next career as a Chris Sligh impersonator!!! (I think my hair would actually look like that if I grew it out!)

Oh and thanks for the plug! You can also go to and enter the code: choices - you'll get a FREE download of my newest song - "Choices"!