Monday, August 4, 2008


Apparently Ms. Paltrow has lent the use of her visage to a PSA encouraging U.S. Citizens overseas to vote in the upcoming elections. I have no problems with that. Well, I didn’t until I realized that it’s not just a PSA. It’s actually encouraging people to vote for a particular party. It’s not a PSA at all. It’s propaganda basically.

The more I thought on the subject, I came to a conclusion. Anyone that chooses to live abroad, not just go to school, or take a temporary work assignment, but to live, live outside the U.S., shouldn’t be dispensing advice on what needs to be done in the country they have vacated.

Moreover, and this is important now, anyone that names their baby “Apple” is probably not someone I’m going to rely on to help shape my important decisions.

Where to go for the best seafood in Seville, yes. Where to get my wife a Prada bag or a pair of Ugs, yes. Where’s the best part of continental Europe to summer in, yes.

Who to vote for, yeah, no thank you. I got this one Gweneth, my dear. You just go on being fabulous girl….

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