Monday, August 18, 2008

Never, Ever Think Out Loud...Ever...

This is how to endear yourself to the local NOW chapter.

"Hello, PBQ Public Relations, How may I help you?”

“Yes, I’m John Moloney, Mayor of Mount Isa, and I would like for you to create a PR program for the local Chamber of Commerce here.”

"Fantastic sir. What kind of program did you have in mind?"

“Well, we have a demographic issue here that needs to be reversed. We have an inordinate amount of men versus women in our community. This is creating morale problems among the miners here, and as you know, Mount Isa is nothing without happy miners.”

“Indeed sir. Can you tell me what program you had in mind?”

“Well maybe a print campaign that we can insert in papers around Australia encouraging young women to move to the area. Maybe a slogan…Like…It’s OK if you’re not clean & purdy, in Mt Isa we like ‘em plain and sturdy!”

“Ahh, sir?”

“You know, something catchy. Like…Can’t seem to keep a mate, come to Mt. Isa, don’t be late, or Boys seem to leave you behind, date a miner, they’re good and blind!”

“Ahh, you can’t be serious”

“Dead serious. Come on man, think. Oh, oh, I got one. How about, So you’re ugly and all alone. In Mt Isa you can always find a home….Crap yeah. That’ll work. You know, real big and splashy in bright colors. Oh, oh, oh, how about a moving incentive. When you move, you get 50 cents for every pound you weigh over 150….."

“Hello. Hello, you still there…hello”

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