Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reason #226 Why Salespeople Get a Bad Rap

Like a lot of other companies, we used a third party to create our web site. The same vendor is also responsible for web maintenance and search engine optimization. Our web site worked just fine all last week until Thursday. The troubles with our site just so happened to coincide with our vendor doing a video upload. New video goes up, site goes down. Not hard to slueth out.

Web site was down all Friday, all weekend, and most of today. We’re just now getting things back on-line.

I didn’t send any kind of nasty-grams, not one fired-up e-mail, not so much as a peep from me. Nothing. I just let it be. Keep in mind that we’re pretty sure what caused the issue. Yet, still I was patient and professional.

This is what I received from my vendor today, just a few moments ago actually:

“Sorry we had issues with your Web site yesterday. A Web site is like a car or a computer, sometimes they break down for no particular reason. I don't know why your site failed to work as it should, but it is fixed now, and we're not charging for the service even though it consumed a considerable amount of time, and our inventory of time is our only profit source for us.”

As a newbie stock broker many moons ago my trainers had all sorts of pithy crap they wanted us to use on potential clients. In the course of professional sales career I also attended many a seminar chock full of nonsense to use to help “make my up-side a reality”. I’ve taken the Dale Carnegie courses, read all the Zig Zigler books, even made it through the Tony Robbins drivel.

In all my time, I have never heard or seen the line “our inventory of time.” I may be sick to my stomach. Anyone else catch the nice Texas two step in there? They monkey-up my site, but thank heavens above, they’ve searched their hearts and have decided not to charge me to fix it. That’s a whole lot like a cop throwing you out of his moving car then telling you not to worry, cause he's not going to cite you for jay-walking.

“Inventory of time.” Are you kidding me?

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