Friday, August 29, 2008


I watched it: “The speech.” Obama is the talented orator that was advertised. Did you see the ladies in the audience crying? It was like Elvis or the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Ridiculous.

You know, I’m genuinely happy that a person of color has been nominated. I’m also happy McCain named Gov. Palin from Alaska as his running mate. We have both a person of color and a woman running vying for the office of the Executive. Let’s face facts people, despite the very loud protests of some to the contrary, there was a time when they would never have been considered for the job just because of who they were. That’s shameful and embarrassing. It’s about time. Honestly.

We’ve all bought tickets to equality-palooza this year. Everyone’s dancing, flirting, and carrying on, generally trying to act like we’ve been coming to this party every year, yet embarrassed and tentative because it’s all so new. It’s like a junior high dance. No one wants to be the first on the floor, but they don’t want to get caught on a slow song without a partner either.

Now, my hope is that we don’t make decisions about who should lead the country because they can make women faint and the mere sight of them. It is also my sincere hope that we don’t make decisions as to who should lead the country while we’re buzzed from drinking from the punch bowl of social progress.

So as I tip my glass and celebrate with the rest of us on our growth as a nation, here’s hoping we cut through the crap and vote the best person for the job into office.

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