Monday, August 11, 2008

The Things You Learn Over Pasta

I can’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn before. I believe its Ms. Flynn’s debut novel. It has been out for a while now. For a murder mystery type, not something I normally like, it was well worth reading. Very much so. The characters had such a depth of wrong in them that I couldn’t put it down. Surprisingly evil and dark.

In proof that it is a very small world indeed, I had dinner last night with some friends of Ms. Flynn. Turns out Ms. Flynn has her second effort in the hands of the publisher. Edits underway. Can’t wait for it to hit the stores.

Funny note: I commented to her friends that the characters in her first book were rendered so well as to make me wonder about Ms. Flynn’s background, i.e. she’s got some serious bones in the closet or just plain messed up. Nope. I’m told she’s from two of the nicest parents a girl can have, grew up in the suburbs, and had a very normal, standard upbringing.

Much respect sister, cause your book was mucho creepy.

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