Friday, August 8, 2008

I'll Be Here All Week Folks...

I have indicated on these pages before that I have a significant aversion to all things spider. Hate them.

Two days ago, I’m applying my usual three fingers of fury to the keyboard not paying attention to much. I happen to look up in time to see a freak of arachnid nature crawling across my desk, right under my monitor. Gentle readers, this sucker was huge and close.

I have since re-read and re-signed a copy of the office personal conduct policy and have dutifully apologized for my vulgarity to all offended members of my staff, as per the details set forth in my employee discipline report.

So, the exterminator comes by today. He’s asking about the spider while he’s doing his thing. He stops and gets a serious look on his face:

“You know, we’ve had a bunch of reports of spiders in and around computer keyboards lately.”

“Yeah, really. I wonder why?”

“Well, personally, I think its cause they’re setting up web sites.”


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