Monday, May 4, 2009

Reason I Love My Wife #437

My wife likes to watch John and Kate Plus 8. Me, I’d rather chew my own leg off. Have you seen it? I’ve been "fortunate" to catch a couple of episodes.

I’ve come to a conclusion, an easy one I might add: Kate is an angry shrew.

John, over time, must have cultivated some Zen like ability to focus on the large paychecks coming in order to tolerate the attitude, eye rolls, sarcasm, and bitterness that seems to drip from her. The way she talks to him sometimes, gentle readers. Wow.

If that was my house, we’d have a new rule. Kate wouldn’t be allowed to talk to me. Ever. She’d have to write down her instructions or comments on paper with no punctuation, lest she scream at me with the use of multiple fat bolded exclamation points or angry underlines. Nope. She’d get a cocktail napkin and one short, dull pencil per day.

Seriously I just envision him leaving the interview couch the two of them sit after filming and running to the bathroom to get away from the cameras, gripping the sink with both hands, feet shoulder width apart, and just silently screaming until spit runs out of the corner of his mouth and the urge to throw her out of the upstairs window passes.


Anonymous said...

Aren't they getting a divorce?

Clorisa said...

Whoa...I thought I was the only one who noticed that! Have you ever seen the episode where they're shopping for Christmas gifts at Toys R Us? Scccaaaaaarrrrrry. Made me appreciate my manly man even more.