Monday, May 18, 2009

Work Rule #421

If your voicemail is full and can no longer accept new messages, please do not leave me a message, ask me to call, then not answer your stupid phone.

If you do actually want to play this way, have the decency to leave the following message:

"Hey I'm way too lazy and scattered to delete old crap from my phone. Accordingly, I'm going to now make it incumbent on you to continue to try me until I actually answer. If you don't, then I can easily claim you never tried to call me back at all. Then it's not me who is the lazy, unprofessional one, it's you. So, good luck trying to find me. Chances are, my phone is my other pants, on the dresser, or buried in a spot where I can't hear it ring. This is called WA, or Work Avoidance, and you're now, willing or not, my accomplice. Hugs and kisses....I'm out."

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