Friday, May 29, 2009

Mild Wilds

Big man turns seven today. Seven...

He and five of his first grade buddies are coming over for a camp out. The six of them whooping it up in the woods just outside of town. Sounds fun doesn't it? There will be games, hot dogs, S'mores, and bug bites, followed by more games, late night snacks, copious Sprite consumption, and then the obligatory bug bite scratching.

The boys are sleeping in my old man's safari tent. It's like a small city under canvas. The Mrs. and I will be in our pop-up camper next door. I anticipate taking night watch shifts. Can't have half crazed, muddy urchins with distended bellies wandering off the reservation.

Last time we camped there, the coyotes came in around 2:00 am. Not sure how close they actually got, probably not close at all, but it's impressive to hear the pack warble and howl at close range. If the beasts do make another appearance, I anticipate setting a world record for the number of seven year olds that can pack into a small camper in the shortest time.

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