Thursday, May 21, 2009

Coming Soon

Songwriters are a little nerdy. I own that.  I am that.  Cool with it.  That's why I like being around a group of writers.  It's nerd-a-palooza and I get back stage passes.

Now, allow me to to expose my full frontal nerdity. (Not mine. I lifted it from a TV show.  So choice.  I can't stand not using it.)  I loved being moved by a song.  No effective way to put it into words.  Every once and a while you hear a song that stops you, that stuns you, that stirs you up. You want to know the words.  You want it not to end.  You want to hear it again just as soon as it is over.

Tonight, dear, sweet, gentle readers, I had me a moment.  Power of the Cross by Shelly Johnson.  Remember the name.  The song will appear on Natalie Grant's next project.  If Natalie does half as good as job as Shelly did tonight, I'm telling you.....

I put the over and under at 4 on the "what am I doing here".  Been here less than a day.  Trust me, you should have taken the over.  

People, a tear trickled down my cheek before I realized  I was starting to cry. 

1 comment:

Clorisa said...

I don't know where you are, what you're doing there, or what you're talking about, but I'm happy that you are having a good experience!