Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well Played

85 years. Newly wed, she came of age during World War II while her husband was navigating a B-24 over Indochina and the South Pacific. Stayed married for over 65 years to the same gallant gentleman. Raised a son. Retired from the phone company. Doted on her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Played the organ at church. Never met a dinner she couldn't cook. Truth be told, she was a skilled domino and card player who would beat you, but smile and then offer you pie.

Not feeling well, this grand lady decided to rock a little while in her bedroom. She went to sleep in her chair and just never woke up. Peaceful, private and without fanfare, elegant in a way, exactly how a true lady, proper and polite, would want it.

I never knew my great grandparents. Married into knowing her. I'm so proud that my son had many an adventure with Grandma Ruth-picking tomatoes, taking walks, swinging in the yard, playing games, riding in parades in the classic T-Bird, and with out a doubt, having two desserts at every meal. He's better for having known her, as we all are.

Currently, I imagine, she whipping the saints behinds in dominos drawing doubles that play every time, blotting freshly applied lip stick, and about ready to pull yet another confection from the oven...

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