Monday, April 6, 2009

Common Sense Law Enforcement

Yes sir, Mr. Robinson, I remember the Black Crows very well and I do not have an issue with your stand on the legalization of hemp, not at all why I’m preventing your entry into London today. You see Sir, anyone that looks like you and is dumb enough to divorce Kate Hudson should be consdiered a threat to society and themselves. I going to have to ask you to surrender your passport and return to the States immediately.


LisaQ-The-Nit-Picker said...

Black crows. The counting crows sing about big yellow taxis. The Black Crows sing about lighting little mama's candle, and practice little or no grooming habits.

LisaQ-the-nitpicker said...

although, I believe that the Black Crows guy might have tidier eyebrows than you do, if the owl picture is any indication.

Bill Filer said...

LisaQ-The-Nit-Picker...thank you for minding after the details. Making fun of someone only works if it's the right someone for Pete's sake.