Monday, April 27, 2009

Potty Patrol

Our company is instituting a new drug policy. Everyone is subject to testing, not just new employees. Oh my. Nervous days for some around here.

“Um, what drugs are they testing for?”

“Brother, if you have to ask…..”

“When are they going to do the testing?”

“Brother, if you have to ask….”

Pretty sure we’ll have to explain to a couple of boys that this isn’t like their senior year of high school when they weren’t allowed back on school grounds cause of some continuing court order issues. They can’t take this test on-line.

Personally, I welcome the testing. Post my results on the big board out in the shop for all I care.

“Subject 03241’s pee is full of joy and happiness with trace amounts of respectability. When placed on the slide prior to going under the scope, the sample instantaneously formed into the shape of a smiley face. Remarkable.”

Maybe I’ll have a Talladega Nights moment: “Subject 03241’s pee was collected in the morning and subsequently found to be full of excellence.”

That’s right. Unless they’re testing for Reese’s peanut butter cups, Doritos, or diet Dr. Pepper, ain’t no shame in my game.


Clorisa said...

Please never, ever stop blogging.

lisa said...

Lisa seconds Clorisa