Monday, March 16, 2009

Much A Do About Nothing

We now take you deep within the bowels of the 3 Kidney Music Machine….

Me: You growing your hair out?
Brother Chris: (Deep, resigned sigh) Yes.
Me: Are those…highlights?
Brother Chris: (Deeper, still resigned sigh) Yes.
Me: May I touch it?
Brother Chris: No.
Me: (Whispering) Shush, I think it knows we’re talking about it.
Brother Chris: What?
Me: (Whispering) Your hair. It’s alive. May I touch it?
Brother Chris: No.
Me: Do you have, like, product in there?
Brother Chris: (Deep, resigned sigh) Yes.
Me: Do you have to use a blow drier?
Brother Chris: (Deeper, still resigned sigh) Yes.
Me: May I touch it?
Brother Chris: No.
Me: Is that artist hair? Did your “manager” recommend that?
Brother Chris: (Deep, resigned sigh) Yes.
Me: May I touch it?
Brother Chris: (Deep, still resigned sigh) I hate you…