Monday, June 9, 2008

What am I Doing!?!

During my time on this planet, I’ve been involved in numerous public endeavors. Singing, leading worship, public speaking, campaigning for office, cold calls, face to face sales, you name it. I’m not going to tell you I don’t get nervous anymore, but the nerves come more out of a desire to execute well versus a confidence issue.

Except when I pick up the guitar and play a thread of a song idea to another couple writers in the room. I swear it feels like the first time, every time, no matter how many times I do it. Then there’s that 10 second pause at the end when they digest it.

You wait….wait….are they going to like it…wait….man I hope they do cause I got nothing else….wait…is that my spleen that hurts right now…wait…can you get yak out of a Taylor…wait…when did my eye start twitching like that….wait…anyone got the number to that truck driving school…note to self: two cups of coffee and a Mountain Dew should be a no-no before a session-safety tip…wait…

I’ve heard it said that being nervous means possessing a heightened sense of self-awareness, a feeling, an emotion, to harness and use constructively. I say who ever said that probably lives with his mother and wears head gear still to this day. No. Nervous means purposely making yourself uncomfortable. Purposely. There’s a certain amount of crazy in that.

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