Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bump In The Night

Night number two of good old fashioned, late springtime thunderstorms. Lots of noisy thunder rumbling around upstairs and plenty of lightning. Real crowd pleaser tonight.

I give it about three minutes until I have a sleepy-eyed, six year old junior weather man asking about the favorable conditions present for severe weather and the possibility of a parental unit slumber party in his room.

Ten years ago when the immediate threat of a Ben Franklin electricity experiment was past, my wife and I would find a porch or a deck and take advantage of the cool front that brought on the storm. Sit out in the cool air, just under the overhang to avoid the rain, and watch the light show, maybe even occupy the same deck chair and talk to each other.

Tonight…the weather and the accompanying percussion symphony means one, or both, of us will be up a bunch. Momma has an early meeting so she’s in bed. Can’t go on the deck because our 100 pound ferocious beast of a guard dog would most certainly be attempting to occupy the same space I’m in, cowering and whimpering at the thunder. Let me tell you, sitting with a wet Marmaduke in a deck chair just isn’t the same. I’ll make sure there are batteries in the weather radio and check the sump pump. Then end up in bed with the little guy doing my part to ward off the drop in barometric pressure.

Good times, people. Good times.

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