Friday, June 6, 2008

On Fruit

This morning my boss caught a customer of ours in a lie. Not unusual. This guy is just plain sleazy. What makes this morning unique is that he used me in his lie, tried to throw me under the bus.

I’ve got the documentation, and thankfully, an ethical track record working on my side. Unraveling what really happened didn’t take long. Still…the stones some people have are amazing. Professionally and personally I’ve never encountered anything like it.

Now, gentle readers, what to do, what to do? I’d like to reply to the lovely e-mail I received this morning, attaching the evidence, and making it clear to all the ladies and gentlemen of the jury that this case is closed. The spleen vent would be well deserved and cathartic, to be certain. But at the end of the day, all I’d end up doing is alienating the general manager of our largest customer, potentially damaging our business and the 24 other employees here.

You like fruit? How do like them apples…

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