Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kiss Me, You Fool!!!

Little guy and I were driving around yesterday afternoon. Drove through a residential neighborhood, slowly, looking at the houses for sale. Caught an elderly gentlemen getting ready to leave a house, keys in hand. He grabbed up his significant other and gave her a kiss right there on the porch. Kids, not just a kiss, but a wrap his arm behind her, dip her a little, smack-a-rooney.

I laughed at the sight of it. Wanted to roll down the window and tell gramps to get a room. Giggled for about the next half mile.

Don’t know those two love birds, but the writer instinct took over. The mental picture in my head was a couple of empty nesters in their retired prime. He’s getting ready to leave out on a fishing trip. She’s having the ladies over for card game or two. That’s how they have said goodbye for the last 42 years. Heck, maybe he was going to Wal-Mart for a TV Guide and some pork rinds, the only occasion being that it was Wednesday, and they couldn’t say goodbye without a kiss. Don’t know. But, I dug it.

I came to a conclusion right there: Gentle readers, we don’t do enough kissing. Little pecks, top lip nudges, chin kisses, fish faces, cheek smootches, between the eyes, tip of the nose, loud obnoxious ones right on the ear, deep teeth bumpers, side to sides, straight on face mashers, passionate breath takers, not nearly enough kissing.

Not that you should need convincing, but the following article details some interesting and encouraging facts about kissing.

The challenge today, your mission should you choose to accept it, is to go on a seven kiss minimum per day. Let’s call it a Week-In-A-Day plan. Seven kisses per day for the next month. Kiss your spouse, significant other, babies, your boss, the neighbor, don’t care. Recruit others. Start a club. I guarantee you we’re all going to feel better.

Somebody get me some Tic-Tacs and lip balm. Homey ain’t even playing…

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