Monday, June 1, 2009

Wii Fit of Rage

So, the little guy got a Wii fit for his birthday.  

All three of us signed on a got a character set up. As part of the process, it asks for your height, weight, and age.  The game is so precious that it calculates your Body Mass Index (BMI) for you. After that it goes through a series of exercises to determine your Wii Fit Age.  My Wii fit age, well let's just say I qualify for some discounts at quality restaurants all across the country apparently.

My BMI is higher than that of my bide and seven year old, to say the least.  Yeah. 

The great thing is that after it determines your BMI, it adjusts the size of your character for you automatically.  So there's my little guy with a short skinny fella.  My wife with a taller, but still skinny character.  Then it comes to me.  Right in front of everyone, my character balloons up like like a marshmallow in the microwave.  Very nice. 

I hate this game already...



Q said...

yep. and then it stalks you. if your wife logs on, and you haven't been on for a while, it will ask your wife if she has seen you! my character is a microwave'd marshmallow as well. come on up north, you'll fit right in in with Bart and me in Nebr City.

Bev H said...

My son's Wii Fit age went down this morning (naturally), and then he was trying to get my husband to play some Wii golf. I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist pulling up your blog and reading it out loud. We all laughed - endorphins are flowing - and the adults in the room resonated with your pain. :)