Sunday, June 21, 2009

Deaf is most Def yo, Know what I mean?

My seven year old, with his youthful, high pitched, fast paced speech pattern, and my 69 year old father, who would have trouble hearing a B-52 rumble through his living room, had a phone conversation today.  Some selected highlights:

E: "I'm going to the Royals game today"
Grandpa: "Nope, I'm staying home."

E: "I drove the Ranger last night at Chris' house."
Grandpa: "I thought they were playing the Cardinals?"

E: "Poppy, have you caught a catfish before?"
Grandpa: "Oh, I'll probably go to Wal-Mart today and just piddle around the house."

Both parties, not having a clue what each other was saying, somehow managed to have an enjoyable conversation and be perfectly understood by one another.


Lord, when I'm speaking with my wife, my boss, anyone from the phone company, and the dude at Subway with the twelve piercings and tattoo of the word "pain" on the inside of his lip, let me have a young heart and old ears. 

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