Monday, June 15, 2009

Duuuude...Is that my skull?

We received a letter over 70 days ago telling us about mandatory drug screens. In the letter was a specific date range, a two week window, when the tests would occur.

Three people lost jobs today. Two of them used some sort of diluting agent, or masking agent, on the original test. When asked if they would be willing to re-test today, both declined. One young man had a wife and two kids, one with special needs.

I’ve stated this before: I make so many mistakes on a weekly basis, that I skipped writing the book and went straight to buying the company. But…but gentle readers, come on.

I’m not judging. However, I’m continually amazed at the number of people who would choose pot over pot roast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good one! i just added even more some other new emo backgrounds 2 my blog