Friday, February 20, 2009

Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho, Back Home I Go

Well gentle readers, last cruise day. On the high seas somewhere between Barbados and Puerto Rico. Home tomorrow. Sad to see it end.

Two days ago in St Lucia we took in whale watching and a great, great beach. As an extra added bonus, we also got to tour the ship's sick bay. Little fella developed an ear infection. The doctor and nurse were from Romania. His English and my Romanian were about on par with each other. No worries. I'm sure he was board certified, and after all, Romania is known the world over for it's quality medical schools. So no way I'm going to let little things like a language barrier and no obvious qualifications stand in the way of giving my only son prescription medications.

Little guy's not screaming anymore, has seen pirates and whales, and has a shells and bits of coral from some really great places, Momma has read all her books and is still getting some sun, and I found more Hawaiian shirts to buy. Good times, gentle readers. Good times.

More later on Brother Chris when I get home. He cracked the top 75 people on the Music Row Country Break Out chart. The new one's not posted yet, but I'll post the link when he shows up.

Good night Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea.

1 comment:

g said...

you just couldn't wait until you got home, could you?