Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tomlin & News

Saw Tomlin last night. Haven't seen him for two years or so. I like seeing him in concert. He reminds me that you don't have to be a guitar virtuoso to write well. I dig it that he plays with a Capo for most everything. Plus his instrumentation is so simple on stage yet it works. I realize that sometimes it takes a lot of work to make things appear simple, but still, he gives me hope.

News from Nashville today. Always, always fun to get something from that town. Another step in the right direction gentle readers. Another step. True to my New Year's resolution, I've got some people to thank.

Brother Chris was in Pulaski, TN today working the radio circuit. Where's that you ask? Exactly. We're setting up a series that I hope to audio blog on, maybe in an interview format. The topic: You want to be an artist? Really?? I can't keep up in terms of topics to cover. Fertile ground. Going to be fun. Glad he's doing it. Proud of him. Equally glad it's not me. Wait until we cover tanning. Good times. Good times indeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh yes "good times" indeed!