Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bigger Surprise?

Back.  No chance of anyone sticking their tongues to the flag pole that is frozen Missouri. Almost a fifty degree differential in temps from where we started and finished the day. Still below freezing here.  Blach...

Let's play a game shall we.  You there at home, and all those in the studio audience, get your fingers ready and buzz in with the answer to the following question:

Which was a bigger surprise for Billy-Boy this evening when he made it back to the Casa de Oomp-Pah-Loompa Pow Pow?:

A) Arriving home to find that his wife had turned the thermostat all the way down to 50 degrees before leaving on vacation.  We're not currently licensed to conduct hypothermia experiments here that I'm aware of, yet if you listen close you can actually hear my organs shutting down one by one.


B) Finding a letter from Nashville in the stack of mail with an actual royalties statement inside. No-No. Not a typo.  Not a check, mind you, but a statement.  Not quite big enough to warrant a check.  In truth, balance out the amount on the statement versus the labor involved with the staff member preparing it, add in the the cost of the stamp and envelope, and I'm pretty sure they just lost money on that deal.  But...

Yes, if you answered "B" you'd be correct.  Good answer.  Tell them what they've won Don.

That's the first one of those things I've ever seen. Not sure how to read it exactly, but I'm going to hold it in my blue-numb fingers close to my already failing eyes showering it with a white fog of crystallized CO2 coming from my wheezing lungs every time I exhale until I succumb to the icy blackness that is so, so immanent.

1 comment:

Mahmood Syed Faheem said...

Is it still freezing temp. at your place? Here in south India already the temp. is crossing 30*C