Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Massaging Vegas

Day three in Vegas.  Wow I'm so over this.  Ready to go home now.

I saw Ed Bagley Jr. today. Speaking of brushes with fame, or a close proximity to fame anyway, we stood shoulder to shoulder in a convention center bathroom.  I can only assume he was there to speak on his green activities and his show.  Not in the bathroom mind you, but at the convention somewhere.  So, anyway, I've got that going for me.   

My feet are killing me from standing on the show floor all day.  Could use a good massage. Easy right?  Heck, you can't swing a dead cat in Vegas without hitting a massage parlor.  Surely with all these massage parlors about a guy could find someone qualified and licensed to deal with my problem.  Vegas, by the way, has more massage "therapists" per capita than anywhere else in the world.  Every strip mall on every corner boasts at least one fine upstanding massage establishment.  Why between the convention center and my hotel, a drive of less than two miles, I counted 17, and that's just by casual observation.   As an aside, the Coalition of Asian Chambers of Commerce send a hearty thank you to the fine people of Las Vegas for single handedly finding a source of employment for half the expat female population of from Jakarta, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and Ho Chi Mihn City.  Matter of fact, I'm not sure you can own an establishment if you're not of Asian lineage or at least put the word Asian somewhere on the marquee, but I digress.  Relax people.  I did not seek remedy from my podiatry predicament in any such place.  I choose life thank you.

This morning I saw three what I'll term "orthodox" Jews, with the black suits and shoes, yamakas, curly-ques hanging from their temples, white linen sashes with tassels around their wastes, playing the slots.  I keep waiting to see a southern Baptist and Mormon whooping it up at the no limit poker table swilling Jack black label and then I will have officially seen everything.

Did I tell you there's half naked vampire chicks at our hotel?  Not even kidding. Saturday can't come soon enough gentle readers.

1 comment:

Bev H said...

Oh my. We may be headed to Vegas in March for a business trip - a location, mind you, which I have successfully avoided like the plague for my entire life. Anyway, I just KNEW I didn't feel right about breaking out my vampire chick get-up. Now I'm going to have to buy something new...