Saturday, November 14, 2009

Where Art Though

Blog, oh Blog, where have I been
My trusty social media friend

Lately, in case you couldn't tell
I haven't been blogging so well

It's not you, your programs, or format
It's not your fonts, your themes, or any of that

No, I believe the fault lies with me
A bout of blogging laziness I believe

Really, where else can I rant
Or make fun of life's miscreants (That's right. It rhymes. Give it a minute)

There's absolutely no better place to prattle
about my son, my colon, or my treadmill battles

I've given many a friend a dogging
about their noticeable lack of blogging

Sad, but I now know
It's my time to eat some Blogspot crow

So to you my blog, I apologize
And vow to make you a bigger part of my life (It's a soft rhyme. Deal with it.)

To you, my dear friends of which I've made sport
Know I too have been found guilty in the non-blogging court

I will change my ways, this indictment is all it took
To remind me there's more to life then just Facebook

So here we go kids, let's find the funny
And laugh at the nonsense until our noses are runny

Thank you, gentle readers, that is all.

1 comment:

Q said...

fab. u. lous.