Sunday, August 23, 2009

Things You Don't See Every Day

Remodeling the upstairs bathroom. Yes, it does suck, thanks for asking.

Today was trash/debris removal day. So I hauled the old toilet downstairs and out the front door. Asking yourself how much a toilet weighs, aren't you? Like everything else in this house, it was old. A one piecer, no separate tank. It was heavy.

Halfway across the front yard, struggling with the John in tow, a neighbor drove by. After the double take, the perplexed look of "was that a crapper" was unmistakable on his face. Guarantee you he had the what the heck was that look on his face all the way across town.

The toilet is safely stowed in the bed of my truck. Getting it in there was such a joy. There was much pulling, tugging, straining, grunting, and several short, forceful exhales from the diaphragm. Halfway up, almost to the tailgate, I realized the irony of it all. I was holding and needing a toilet all at the same time.

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