Saturday, August 22, 2009

Song Please

Periodically I think it prudent, and find it quite giggly, to eschew customary communication methods. In other words, gentle readers, it's Answer me-Lyrically-Mr. Please day here at Chez Bill (Second L is silent).

What does this mean, you ask? Easy. Anytime someone asks you a question, answer it with the name of an artist. When they look at you quizzically, and believe me they will, supply them with an appropriate lyric from a song by the aforementioned artist.

Let's play, shall we?

Gee Bill, how are you?
Pointer Sisters.
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it...

What's that bit of toilet paper on your chin, cut yourself shaving?
Sheryl Crow.
Come again?
The first cut is the deepest...

Close the door or light a match. Someone die in there?
Johnny Cash.
I fell in to a burnin' ring of fire...

After about 20 minutes of this, the following exchange will take place...

(Insert name here), if you don't knock if it off, I'm leaving?
Michael Jackson.
ah, what?
(Angry like) Beat it, beat it.....

Go to $#*@!
Peter Frampton.
aggggghhhhhhh, what now!!!!!?????
I want you to show me the way....

Then it's game over, you win. Sort of. Just in case, you could start working on your apology. Maybe write it out...just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Tim McGraw

Bill Filer said...

Ahhhh, Tim McGraw?