Friday, July 3, 2009


Been a few days. Hope all is well with you out there in the blogosphere.

Well, gentle readers, four years ago it finally felt like settling down was settling in on me. It was about time actually.

Per the usual, when you begin to get comfortable, things get shaken up. Ain't that always the way.

The company I worked for sold. As a result, change soon followed.

So starting Monday, change follows change with a new job. Hated leaving, but I think it's best.

Wish me luck as I take my show on the road, literally. Pray for the heartland of this country as I begin to wreak havoc upon the upper Midwest. No one is safe.

Planned on staying put. Hows' the old joke go...what's the quickest way to hear God laugh? Start making plans...

1 comment:

Bev H said...

Hang in there, man. (And right now I'm desperately trying to convince myself that I have NOTHING planned for the future, just in case it will jinx me.)