Thursday, December 24, 2009


Driving into the parking lot, I saw an old friend from work pumping gas. She had retired a few years ago, and I don't see her much anymore.

Never one to miss an opportunity to say hello, I rolled down the window and shouted, "Hey old lady, shouldn't you be at home quilting or something", an inside joke my friend would have found hilarious.

Turns out, this wasn't my old friend.

Nope. Complete stranger. She was looking me over like she was trying to decide if she needed throw down and kick my butt or run away.

Run away. That's the option I chose. I threw her a wave and offered up a "sorry, wrong person" as I drove right back out of the parking lot, never stopping. I needed gas badly, but I needed to escape her dread gaze of doom even worse.

My bad...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

you got a genuine cackle out of me on that one.