Thursday, January 28, 2010

Then and Now

Math night at the little guy's school. Working on a problem, I reminded him to borrow the one. Record scratch, screeching halt, heads turn, everyone stops and stares.

It's called re-grouping now. Well excuse me.

No borrowing, Pluto's out as a planet, Russia is now eight thousand six hundred forty two satellite countries all starting with vowels and ending in "tan", and Budweiser's Belgian. Belgian for the love of all things Flemish.

Can there be no constants from my youth...

Still Fighting

Still Scandals

Still Creepy

...Whew. Thank goodness some things never change.


Kate said...

so true! everything modernizes and revolutionizes on one level...but on another level, its just the same old repetition.
"just three stories being told over and over."
-Willa Cather

Clorisa said...

Enjoyed as usual.

My father used to teach me "his math" when I'd bring homework home for the same reasons, I'm sure. That's probably why I turn white as a ghost and start sweating when anyone asks me to do math in my head.